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Sales attribution
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Written by GFG Team
Updated over a week ago


Sales is the total value of products sold attributed to your ads. The amount indicated is on GMV (unit price listed on site) of the items sold at the moment of the conversion.

Attribution model

An attribution model is how we attribute a sale to a click on your ads. We use the last-click model which gives 100% credit to the last click that happened before a sale.

Attribution window

Many times the sales attributed to an Ad don't happen the same day of the impression or the click. The customer could have made the purchase a few days after, therefore there is an attribution window.

The attribution window specifies the time period after a person clicks on an ad and makes a purchase of that product within that period.

The usual sale value is counted if the purchase is made immediately after clicking on an ad or the person clicks on an ad, immediately adds it to the cart, and comes back to purchase it later within 14 days. ROAS is calculated based on this value.

ROAS is a moving metric due to the attribution window, the sales conversions don't happen at the same time as the impressions and clicks therefore the clicks and sales of the same day cannot be compared directly, To better understand ROAS use the total clicks and Cost Of Ads of a campaign with its total Attributes Sales at campaign level and consider ROAS could continue increasing even even after a campaign has been finished.

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