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Written by GFG Team
Updated over a week ago

How do I get a tax invoice for my credit card payment?

You can download your invoices here.

What can I do to improve my average position?

The best thing you can do to help improve your average position is to increase your max CPC or use automated bidding (recommended) to maximize conversions. Start off with increasing this by 50-100% and then check the data the next day to see if this has improved. Running price promo's through the retailer can help other things like CTR which all goes towards getting a better position in the top row and increasing online sales.

How do I improve my sales?

The relevancy algorithm will ensure that your product is shown to the right customer at the right time at the point of purchase so your sales will improve as a result. Proof of those sales will be shown through the real-time reporting via your dashboard, which gives crystal clear data on your ROAS.

How do I set my MAX CPC to get into spot 1?

We weight the products according to relevancy first not bid price, however you can increase your MAX CPC to improve your chances at getting into that top spot.

How do I get started?

Contact your client manager to get started with having your account created.

How do I pay for my sponsored ads?

All ads are pre-paid. Any media spend over $10000 can be invoiced with payment terms and anything under that amount will require a credit card on file.

What are the best practices when setting up a campaign?

  • Period: minimum 2-4 weeks

  • SKUs: at least 3 per campaign and all SKUs in that particular sub-category are selected. Having more SKUs will help to avoid some SKUs going out of stock and campaigns being paused due to this

  • Focus on specific categories per campaign - this will help to ensure the search terms are relevant to the campaign"

Should we run one big campaign with all of its SKUs or several smaller campaigns?

Brands should run campaigns based upon product groups (products that are similar in category and price) with 1-50 products per campaign, e.g. T-Shirts, Shorts, Running Shoes. You could also specify a more granular campaign by price segment, e.g. T-shirts $20-$50, T-shirts $50-100.

Is there a feature to rotate SKUs or will the algorithm take care of this and display the best SKUs?

Brands can choose to auto-optimise where the algorithm shows the best performing SKUs in a campaign (some SKUs may never be shown in irrelevant), or brands can choose to rotate evenly which means that the click price or CPA will vary based upon the product's quality score

Who approves ads on the platform and how long will it take for campaigns to be approved?

The ZALORA team will approve the ads. Ad submissions and approvals are done every morning on Singapore working days by the ZALORA team.

Will SKUs featured in campaigns show at category level and sub-category level? i.e. jacket will show on outerwear category and outerwear > jackets sub-category

SKU's will show in all categories that they are located in including all tiers of category level

What is the recommended CPC range per country?

Depends on the Conversion rate and desired ROAS

What Reporting Metrics do I receive and what do they mean?

Below you will find a table of these metrics and their definitions.

  • Maximum Spend Value: An amount that you set for each ad campaign to specify how much, you'd like to spend.

  • Max CPC (Max Cost Per Click): A bid that you set to determine the highest amount that you're willing to pay for a click on your ad.

  • Imp (Impression): An impression is counted every time your sponsored ad is shown on the retailer site. This is not counted when your product is seen on the retailer site when it is not sponsored.

  • Clicks: A click is counted every time someone clicks on your ad.

  • Cnvs (Conversions): Conversions are counted whenever a click on a sponsored ad leads to an online purchase.

  • Sales: I.E If someone clicks on your sponsored ad and buys 3 t-shirts. The report will record 1 Cnvs and 3 Sales in that product row.

  • CTR (Click Through Rate): CTR is the ratio of clicks to Impressions represented as a percentage.

  • Conv Rate (Conversion Rate): Conversion Rate is the ratio of Conversions to clicks represented as a percentage.

  • CPC (Cost Per Click): Cost Per Click in this column shows the average CPC you are paying for this campaign or product.

  • CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): Cost Per Acquisition is the ratio of Cost to Cnvs represented as a $ value.

  • Cost: Cost is a $ value representing how much of your Credit has been spent on the campaign or product.

  • Sales $: Sales $ is a $ value representing the gross sales value of your products purchased as the result of an ad click.

  • ROAS (Return On Ad Spend): I.E ROAS% of 1000% for a campaign means you are generating $10 in Sales $ for every dollar spent with GFG Ads.

How do you calculate the relevancy of an ad?

We use a number of different parameters when calculating the relevancy score of each ad that enters an auction. In simple terms, we measure the likeliness of a customer clicking on (and subsequently buying) a product and promotes the products which have the highest chance of being clicked. This is done by looking at the past performance of the ad as well as the maximum bid price.

What is the difference between `Current Balance` and `Available Balance`?

  • Current Balance is the credit you have left including what has been locked in for campaigns currently.

  • Available Balance is the credit you have left not inclusive of what has been locked in for campaigns currently.

How much does an Ad cost?

All prices are subject to auction rules and maximum bids of competing brands. The minimum costs for each ad type are set on a retailer by retailer basis. To understand the cost structure of your retail publisher website, please review their advertiser terms and conditions when launching a campaign.

Will any of my data be given to the retailer?

The retailer will never have access to financially sensitive data such as your current balance, credit card details, or spend levels on campaigns. We also do not allow them to see any of your strategic targetings when it comes to MAX CPC or keywords so as not to create any possibility of a conflict of interest. We give the retailer the necessary data metrics so as to track suppliers performance on the system such as Impressions, Clicks, Active Products, Sales and Ad revenue.

Am I locked into a contract or can I cancel anytime?

We give suppliers the ability to pause their campaigns and come back at any time which means you will never have to worry about lock-in contacts.

What can I do to improve my average position?

The best thing you can do to help improve your average position is increasing your MAX CPC metric. Start off with increasing this by 50-100% and then check the data the next day to see if this has improved. Running price promo's through the retailer can help other things like CTR which all goes towards getting a better position in the top row and increasing online sales.

Can you build profit margins into the ROAS% column?

We do not have the functionality to do this currently but you can download all the reporting data we give you into a CSV. That way you can utilize the sales metrics and apply margins as you see fit.

How long does it take to set up ads?

From account creation to seeing your ad live on a retailer website can be done in less than 15 minutes.

Do I get email notifications when my balance is running low?

This is currently in our product roadmap to release in 2019. In the interim, you will have a client manager who will generally give you a few reminders as your balance gets low.

Can I get help with keywords that will help me target the right customers?

Yes, your client manager can offer suggestions with the right keywords to find the right customers and get you those extra sales.

Why should I launch a campaign when sales are good enough?

It's great to hear when suppliers are doing great already but the question is do you want more sales outside of what you get organically? Let's say you are a make-up company and a customer type " Water proof mascara" - your product is not appearing in the top row let alone on the first page. Already you have lost a great opportunity to earn a new customer. Using GFG Ads, you can achieve this - your waterproof mascara can be broadcast to the right customers who are in the mindset of wanting to purchase your type of product. With real-time reporting, we can show you the positive uplift we can bring in getting you new sales from a totally different audience.

Can I set campaigns to go live on a particular date in the future?

Yes, you can with our ad scheduling feature you can set a date in the future for your campaign to go live and end. Giving you complete control and freedom to "set and forget".

What is the difference between Daily Spend and Total Spend budgets?

Daily Spend budget is the average amount you're willing to spend on a campaign every day and Total Spend is the amount you're willing to spend over the entire run-time of your campaign.

Where will my sponsored ads appear?

Your sponsored ads may appear on the category, sub-category, and search term pages related to the products you choose with your campaign.

Any tips I should take when starting a new campaign?

We set up any initial campaign, we recommend you take an always-on approach (Set Ad Scheduling off) and allow it to run for 2-4 weeks. This will help you gather enough data and insights to understand what is working and what isn’t. Check your placements on site as often as you can to see what position they are in. If you want to try and improve your position then look to increase your MAX CPC by 50-100% and then review after an hour.

Can I add products via their catalogue no. / product code / GTIN


What do you recommend as a starting test budget?

Depends on a number of variables, including categories, number of products, relevancy, and other factors your client manager will be able to assist you.

What happens if my product is out of stock

The ad won't return if the product is out of stock since we are integrated with the eCommerce server via API and therefore have access to the catalog.

I have hundreds of brands - can my agency do this for me

Yes of course

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